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This Saturn V is built to real scale and In stock KSP it has way more delta V than you should ever need to get to the mun and back. That said, the staging is correct and it flies like a champ and unlike my Saturn V with MLP craft, this version does not require any cheats to be on while using this craft or when loading it in. everything is all set.
This Saturn comes with the LEM and CSM as pictured
Unfortunately the hatch on the CSM is obstructed but you shouldn’t be using it until the end of the mission anyway so you can just pop that fairing when the time comes… or you don’t have to if you don’t want to. it’s up to you. I couldn’t find anything to put there that would allow Kerbals to exit and also look nice so I decided to just make it look nice.
A stock aircraft called Apollo Saturn V. Built with 654 of the finest parts, its root part is dockingPort2.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.

- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 654
- Pure Stock