3 windows IVA craft!
by Lhirstev
uploaded 2022-05-04
stock+DLC ship


  • Type: VAB
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 97
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.3


This rocket will almost get you into orbit, The upper stage above that will for sure get you into orbit and it doubles as a relay station. The payload of the relay station is the personal starship, using the relay station as communications support vessel.

Pressing 1 will control from docking port and also toggle the docking port’s spotlight on and off.

Pressing 2 will control from claw and toggle claw spotlight on and off.

Pressing 3 will toggle the relay station’s main engines on or off. Pressing 3 will undock the main docking port of the IVA craft!

Pressing 4 will toggle the claw arm deployment.
Pressing ABORT will control from the probe that will allow the craft to reenter the atmosphere in line with retrograde.

Pressing U will toggle the cabin winow light and also toggle the solar panels

Pressing G will toggle the Antenna

A stock rocket called 3 windows IVA craft!. Built with 97 of the finest parts, its root part is kv3Pod.

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.12.3.

So long, and thanks.

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