BMW Tiltjet 101 Panther
by LandingImpossible
uploaded 2019-01-10
(updated 2019-10-26)
stock aircraft
#titljet #tilt-jet #VTOL #V/STOL #Gunship


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 176
  • Pure Stock built in the SPH in KSP version 1.8.0.

The aircraft has to be re-launched every time from the Hangar and NOT from the Runway. You should choose Revert to Spaceplane Hangar and NOT Revert to Launch option.


A tiltjet aircraft, suited for a broad range of V/STOL operations.

  • tilt angle can be changed progressively, anywhere between 0º - 90º, without switching vessels and with almost no torque momentum.
  • the controls for the engine servo and surfaces remain on the main vessel throughout flight. Only throttling and switching between wet/dry modes require changing the active vessel.
  • the fuel is stored in the engine shaft, so the CoM remains stable regardless of fuel consumption or quantity customisation.

The aircraft is manoeuvrable, stable (even without SAS) and insanely fun to fly thanks to its special features. Landing can be a bit challenging, usually requiring switching back and forth between engines (for thrust control) and the aircraft body (for flight control)

!!! Notes:

  • The engine stepping actuation is achieved by exploiting the game mechanics (or bug?!?) with the cargo bay door and Airbrakes, working in tandem. Normally, the proper usage of the Action Groups prevents an unintended opened cargo during flight, which will induce massive drag, so if you see an opened cargo bay in flight, you might be messed up with the controls.

  • Updates:

    v1.0: removed dead weight, re-balanced, tweaked the servo and landing gear, minor aesthetics


After activating SAS and decoupling via [Space], switching focus between the two resulting parts will be done by pressing [] as follows:

1. The aircraft body:
  • main control surfaces: conventional keys
  • extend/retract gear & brake: standard keys
  • leading edge wing slats [AG9]
  • switch between different pods: [AG3] [AG4] - usefull in hovering mode
  • engine actuation is done via two Action Groups keys:

    • [AG1], double press, to direct thrust backwards. The actuation extent depends on the delay between the key strokes, eventually, for full/max engine excursion, press [AG1] once >> wait for full excursion >> press the [AG1] again to close the sequence.
    • [AG2], double press, to direct thrust downwards. The actuation extent depends on the delay between the key strokes, eventually, for full/max engine excursion, press the [AG2] once >> wait for full excursion >> press the [AG2] again to close the sequence.
2. The engines assembly:
  • engine throttling, standard keys
  • switch engine’s wet/dry mode: [AG5]
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