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The LMP1 is an all out race car that requires quick reactions and response times.
A stock aircraft called L.A.B. LMP1. Built with 249 of the finest parts, its root part is strutCube.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.0.
- Type: SPH
- Class: rover
- Part Count: 249
- Pure Stock
Old Top Speed: 103.5 mps/231.5 mph/372.6 kph
New Top Speed: 73.3 mps/163.9 mph/263.8 kph
Action Group One: Toggle daytime running lights.
Note: The car performs best at one third throttle and can be a handful when driving.
Update Note: Veers to the left far less now.
test track lap times
Apex 0:48
BSB-1 0:57
G-force 1:00
LMP1 1:06
Hyper LF 1:11
Badger 1:16
Hyper 1:19
B12 1:25
Synergy LF 1:25
Synergy 1:28
B15 ED 1:29
BGT 1 1:29
B10 ED 1:31
B10 1:36
B15 1:37
Thanks to xZephy for help with French to English translation.
La LMP1 est une voiture de course tout en un qui nécessite de bons réflexes et temps de réaction.
Vitesse max: 103.5 mps/231.5 mph/372.6 kmh
Action Group 1 : Actionner phares de jour
Note: La voiture fonctionnera mieux avec une poussée à un-tiers et peut-être difficile à gérer pendant la conduite