Amethyst-Class Cargo Transport SSTO: "Munraker"
by KrisKolumbus
uploaded 2015-09-17
mod spaceplane
#Spaceplane #SSTO #Mun #B9 #LLL
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  • Type: SPH
  • Class: spaceplane
  • Part Count: 141
  • Mods: 8
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  • B9 Aerospace - Legacy Parts Pack
  • B9 Aerospace Parts Pack
  • B9 Procedural Wings Modified
  • KineTech Animation Library
  • Lack Luster Labs
  • Squad (stock)
  • Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights
  • TweakableEverything
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A mod aircraft called Amethyst-Class Cargo Transport SSTO: Munraker. Built with 141 of the finest parts, its root part is B9.Cockpit.S2.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.0.4.

When Jeb and Val get together, if they’re allowed to brainstorm for long enough, they come up with crazy ideas that, to any normal Kerbal, would sound absolutely insane. But, then again, it’s Jeb and Val. Take this spaceplane. Jeb suggested that, if a plane was able to take off and get into orbit, why wouldn’t it be able to land again–on the Mun? Our engineers said that that was impossible even with the NERVA engines provided by the Rockomax Conglomerate–their form factor makes landing nearly impossible. However, Val introduced us to LackLusterLabs–their NE-400 engines provided the same high ISP of the NERVAs in a much smaller package, completing the design of the Munraker! Able to take small cargo and up to two Kerbals to and from the Mun or Minmus, we must state that this initial design is more proof-of-concept than anything. It is perfectly functional and usable in your SPH, but there will be improved designs that improve on this formula. Get it today for only √107,000.

Flight Profile: The Munraker behaves much like a standard SSTO, with the SABRE-M engine sufficient for atmospheric flight and early circularization–however, the NE-400 engines should be used as often as possible to take advantage of their high efficiency.

1) Maintain a 20-30-degree climb through the atmosphere until you reach roughly 10,000m.

2) Drop your vertical speed under 100 m/s until around 15,000-16,000, at which point you’ll want to begin climbing again until your engines cut out.

3) Switch to closed cycle on the SABRE until your Ap rises above 72,000, at which point you’ll want to switch to nuclear engines for the remainder of the flight.

Note: Due to the arrangement of the engines, the only sections that provide fuel to the NE-400 engines are the longitudinal tanks that they’re directly attached to. Pilots will need to manually pump fuel around during the flight to ensure the engines remain properly fueled, however, this can be accomplished easily during non-critical flight regimes.

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