Northrop DP527/NATF-23
by Kerburettor
uploaded 2023-05-01
mod+DLC aircraft
#Crewed #NATF #canards #Northrop #naval

The NATF-23 is a concept fighter aircraft with a unique and angular design that sets it apart from other modern fighter aircraft. Its diamond-shaped wings provide excellent maneuverability and stability in flight, while its set of slightly angled vertical stabilizers with a serrated trailing edge allow it to minimize its radar signature and evade detection from enemy air defenses.

In addition to its wings and vertical stabilizers, the NATF-23 also features a pair of canards at the front with the same leading edge and trailing edge sweep angles as the wing, for planform alignment. This design feature enhances the aircraft’s maneuverability and agility in flight, allowing it to make sharp turns and rapid changes in direction. It allows the aircraft to maintain longitudinal stability at high angles of attack for carrier operations, albeit at the cost of low peripheral visibility during landing… Thanks to its thrust vectoring nozzles and high thrust-to-weight ratio, this aircraft can easily maintain an AoA north of 65° and has excellent departure recovery as well as departure resistance at lower angles, even without pitch moderation.

The NATF-23 is powered by two afterburning F119 turbofan engines, giving it the speed and agility to outmaneuver and outrun other fighter aircraft. It can supercruise at Mach 1.35 at 36k feet and maintain exceptional fuel efficiency. Its advanced avionics and radar systems - including an EOSS just below its AESA radar on the nose - provide unparalleled situational awareness and targeting capabilities, making it a formidable opponent in air-to-air combat.

The aircraft’s armament includes a variety of air-to-air missiles and guns, namely an M-61 Vulcan Gatling gun, Sidewinders and AMRAAMs, allowing it to engage targets at a range of distances and altitudes. Its advanced stealth features, including its serrated trailing edge and canards, make it difficult for enemy aircraft and air defense systems to detect and engage.

Overall, the NATF-23 is a highly capable and advanced fighter aircraft that represents the cutting edge of modern military technology. Its combination of speed, maneuverability, and stealth make it a key asset in any air superiority mission, and its advanced avionics and targeting systems ensure that it will remain a potent threat to any adversary.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 180
  • Mods: 10
  • KSP: 1.12.5


  • B9 Aerospace Parts Pack
  • B9 Procedural Wings Modified
  • BD Armory Continued
  • Breaking Ground DLC
  • Ferram Aerospace Research
  • Kerbal Foundries2
  • Nice MKseries Body
  • Procedural Parts
  • Squad (stock)
  • TweakScale - Rescale Everything!

Results of the high-alpha test performed in the video. Notice the two peaks in the sideslip time series. The first one marks the cannon burst and the second one is caused by the relaxed lateral stability of the aircraft controlled by the flight controls.

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