What's this slidery thing next to the download link?Mod
Action Groups
Your craft has downloaded
Not sure how to install a craft file?
Here's howPut the craft file you've downloaded into the SPH sub folder in the Ships folder in your save;
Put the craft file you've downloaded into the SPH sub folder inside Ships in the root of KSP;
The .ckan metapackage for this craft has downloaded.
Give it to the CKAN mod manager to install the mods for you. How to use the .ckan metapackage file | Don't use CKAN? Get it hereSome of the mods for this craft are not available via CKAN.
You'll need to download these ones manually; AviatorArsenal SM Armory
Paste a url where
this mod
can be downloaded
The Boeing B-29 Superfortress is a four-engine propeller-driven heavy bomber designed by Boeing, which was flown primarily by the United States during World War II and the Korean War. It was one of the largest aircraft operational during World War II and featured state-of-the-art technology.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 104
- Mods: 16
- Airplane Plus
- AviatorArsenal
- B9 Aerospace Parts Pack
- B9 Procedural Wings Modified
- BDArmory
- Infernal Robotics Model Rework - Core Pack
- Kerbal Aircraft Expansion
- Kerbal Foundries Wheels and Repulsors ALPHA
- Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - Legacy Parts
- Mk2 Stockalike Expansion
- Procedural Parts
- SM Armory
- Squad (stock)
- Stock Extension
- TweakScale - Rescale Everything!
- umbraspaceindustries
Flight Indications
Action Groups
-1. Toggle Extensor
-2. Toggle Folded Wings
-3. Retract Extensor
-4. Retract Wings
-5. Decouple and toggle goblin engine,toggle autopilot
Including design and production, it was the single most expensive weapons project undertaken by the United States in World War II, exceeding the cost of the Manhattan Project by between $1 and 1.7 billion.
Innovations introduced included a pressurized cabin, dual-wheeled, tricycle landing gear, and an analog computer-controlled fire-control system that directed four remote machine gun turrets that could be operated by a single gunner and a fire-control officer. A manned tail gun installation was semi-remote. The name Superfortress
continued the pattern Boeing started with its well-known predecessor, the B-17 Flying Fortress.
XF-85 Cockpit View
Note: The Goblin design is different to
This design has folding wings, has no landing gear (ski) and uses a different engine.
Also have a hook (mini grabbing unit) on the nose.