What's this slidery thing next to the download link?Mod
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Your craft has downloaded
Not sure how to install a craft file?
Here's howPut the craft file you've downloaded into the SPH sub folder in the Ships folder in your save;
Put the craft file you've downloaded into the SPH sub folder inside Ships in the root of KSP;
Paste a url where
this mod
can be downloaded

A working autogryo with a top speed of ~25 m/s. To get started, turn on the forward prop with 1 and adjust throttle to begin moving forward. Pitch up to get more airflow through the rotor - as you get to the takeoff condition (~15 m/s with rotor RPM above 80) the aircraft will start to lift off. It has a right rolling tendency at low speeds - simply adjust pitch to speed up. When the forward prop is turned off, it is capable of descending unpowered at < 3 m/s. RTGs give it infinite range. The rotor can be ejected, and the aircraft flown like a normal plane if needed
A stock aircraft called Autogyro v4-2-3. Built with 40 of the finest parts, its root part is miniFuselage.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 40
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.12.5