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Here's howPut the craft file you've downloaded into the SPH sub folder in the Ships folder in your save;
Put the craft file you've downloaded into the SPH sub folder inside Ships in the root of KSP;
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The robot ‘Maximilian’ from Disney’s The Black Hole
A faithful yet somewhat psychopathic sentient robot, Maximilian was the servant and enforcer for Dr. Hans Reinhardt on board the doomed deep space science vessel Cygnus.
Maximilian is capable of deploying fully functional spinning blades and comes with three pairs of fully articulated arms on rotating shoulder joints.
- Type: SPH
- Class: probe
- Part Count: 268
- Mods: 4
- Breaking Ground DLC
- Squad (stock)
- TweakScale - Rescale Everything!
- TweakableEverything Custom colors from: Textures Unlimited & Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot
Custom axes control KAL controllers for each pair of arms in addition to turning the head. Alpha-numeric key #1 toggles the KAL controller enabling rotation of the shoulder joints in order to select your forward facing arm.
Custom Axis #1 = Blade Arm
Custom Axis #2 = Laser Arm 1
Custom Axis #3 = Laser Arm 2
Custom Axis #4 = Head Turn
Action Group #1 = Rotate Shoulders
Brakes = Stop Blades Rotating
It is recommended to cheat gravity to minimum when launching and setting SAS to Radial Out
by controlling from the upwards facing RoveMate probe body. This will allow you to use incremental throttle to fine tune RCS thrust giving Maximilian the ability to hover. Orientation is controlled using standard WASD rotation and HJKL translation controls. Six RTGs provide sufficient electricity for robotic operation, however monopropellant is limited - you may wish to enable the unlimited fuel cheat.