Tracked stock APC
by HowAboutAStone
uploaded 2021-02-16
stock+DLC rover
#stock #tracks #tracked #tank #APC

A Tracked Armoured Personel Carrier capable of driving on Land and also in Water. Completly Stock only DLC needed.

Tracks Realy Work And are not just for show!!!!

Dont go over 1/3 thurst as this often breaks the Tracks but a speed of 7m/s can be reached when the Tracks are adjusted right.
Jets can be deployed when in Water too travel faster and Steering is done with the tracks. But it can also travel trough the water with only the tracks but at a slow speed.

Too Drive Simply deploy the First Stage then press 4 too tighten the tracks and deploy the next stage too drive away.
It is controlled with the main Throttle and the rest of the Controlls can be seen in the Action Groups Tap.

Hope you enjoy this APC and the other crafts that will be uploaded

Type: SPH
Part count: 498
Full Stock
Only DLC needed
Carries up too 10 Kerbals

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