A Stock Replica of the IL-2 Sturmovik featuring:
An completly Realistic Damage Model!
Almost all Parts are seperatly attached too a Main Airframe, like in a real plane, wich gives this mighty beast a high survivability when damaged and is a sure fun with weapon mods by giving a challanging Opponent and an interresting view as you destroy it.
8 Unguided Rocket. They arent the easiest too aim but the Infantry sure as hell still doesnt like them.
Use I and K for adjusting the Propeller Blade Pitch.
Max Speed: ~70m/s (250km/h)
Min Speed: ~30m/s (108km/h)
Takeoff Speed: ~35m/s (128km/h)
Enjoy the most produced Plane in the World in a new way and Glory too the Motherland!