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5:VERT 6:HORZ 7:pulse 0:gimbal
A stock flitter
called Ladybug. Built with 153 of the finest parts, its root part is dockingPortLarge.
A 2.5m gauge flitter easily-included in a lunar exploration mission. Leave the engines off but adjust the throttle as you need. Stab Brakes
for a burst of power! Control from the jump seat for HORZ flight or from a VERT reference when taking off and landing.
To refuel, land it on top of e.g. a Gremlin.
It doesn’t look like much but it is tremendous fun and has a pack of d/v for medium distance exploration or even going to orbit! (Inspired by Brikoleur’s ‘Flea’.)
UPDATE: with pleasure, I now ‘plug’ Atkara’s entry into this market space with 3 in a series. of which his Mini Lander Mk1 is very closely relevant to my own Ladybug. Please check it out!
UPDATE: this package now includes 6 Ladybugs mounted atop a Zephyr booster. Can go at least as far as the Mun without a fuel stop. To refuel Ladybug, dock it atop a Goblin munar mining rig.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.7.3.
ECO 2019-11-13 Added Vernors at 50% for superior top-docking maneuverability,
- Type: VAB
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 153
- Pure Stock