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- Type: SPH
- Class: rover
- Part Count: 3078
- Mods: 4
- KSP: 1.12.5
Action Groups:
(1) Open/Close Doors
(2) Toggle Lights
(RCS) Reverse motors
(Interior pic —>)
(Video showcase also)

The D-Class was a tram/light rail vehicle manufactured by Grant Heavy Industries from 933 to 966. Due to its straightforward and rugged design, it was not completely replaced in regular revenue service until the arrival of the L-Class in the late 970s. The latest variant of the D-Class - the D4 - remain in service today, forming the heritage tram service in the historic centre of Port George. Pictured above is the D4 variant of the D-Class which, notably was retrofitted with driver-activated sliding doors in the 970s to comply with modern safety standards.
The D-Class was designed as replacement for the older A/B-Class ‘Toast Rack’ trams and C-Class ‘Box’ trams. The older trams were both aging and lacking in capacity on Port George’s steadily growing electric tram network. However, due to production chains being strained during the Continental War, they did not completely replace the older trams until after the war.
The type had a dual-bogie layout and had a lowered ‘Drop-Centre’ section to allow for easier passenger access, reducing the amount of steps required to enter the vehicle. Additionally, to improve standardization, the D-Class was made compatible with both the third-rail conduits and overhead wire electrification systems in use on the tram network, unifying the once separate, competing proprietary systems that previously split the tram network in two. Over 900 trams were produced with dozens also serving overseas.
The D-Class’ long lasting service made it a symbol of Port George and its subsequent re-entry into heritage service on the historic ‘City Circle’ line ensures it will endure as a symbol upon the bustling streets of the Troscan Empire’s largest city.