HHI HMLHA-005 "Hokuto" (Hokuto-class amphibious assault ship)
by HokushinHeavyIndustries
uploaded 2024-08-01
| Version 1 of 2
mod ship
#carrier #VTOL #helicopter #LHA #CVL


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 446
  • Mods: 5
  • KSP: 1.12.5


  • Aircraft Carrier Accessories
  • BDArmory
  • LShipParts
  • Large Boat Parts Pack - Common
  • Squad (stock)

Versions of this craft:

loading versions....


[日本語]HMLHA-005 ほくと型強襲揚陸艦「ほくと」は、ホクシン重工業(HHI)株式会社がHMCVL-004 ちとせ型軽空母「ちとせ」をベースに開発した、垂直・短距離離着陸(V/STOL)戦闘機及びヘリコプターを運用できる強襲揚陸艦です。艦載の戦闘機には、当社の第5世代戦闘機 HFI-10 ジュピター I の垂直離着陸(VTOL)モデルの武装型である、HFI-10V2AMD ジュピター I バーティカル マークII(武装型)を採用し、甲板上または船体内の格納庫への収納も可能です。


[English] HMLHA-005 Hokuto is an amphibious assault ship for V/STOL aircraft and helicopters developed by Hokushin Heavy Industries (HHI) Co., Ltd. This ship is designed based on HMCVL-004 Chitose. Its carrier-based fighter jet is HFI-10V2AMD Jupiter I Vertical Mk-II Armed, a V/STOL model of HHI’s 5th-generation fighter HFI-10 Jupiter I , which can also be parked in flight deck hangers or hull hangers of HMLHA-005.

The bridge of this ship has been redesigned from HMCVL-004. This ship also has two hull hangars (hanger bays) and two deck edge elevators, which increase the number of aircraft that can be carried and improve air operational capability.

Furthermore, although omitted from this ship which only emphasizes air operational capability, some same class ships of Hokuto-class (ex. HMLHA-005S Ginga) have well docks. It enable you to operate amphibious vehicles or boats.

アクショングループ(Action groups)

[1] ラジエーター切り替え(Toggle the radiator)
[2] 煙突の作動切り替え(Toggle the funnel)
[3] 飛行甲板格納庫のドア開閉(Toggle the doors of flight deck hangers)
[4] ハシゴ切り替え(Toggle the ladders)
[5] 船体格納庫のドア開閉(Toggle the doors of hull hangers)
[6] 舷側エレベーター作動 (Toggle the deck edge elevators)
[7] バラストタンク排水(Drain the ballast tanks)
[8] バラストタンク排水停止(Stop draining the ballast tanks)
[9] バラストタンク注水(Fill the ballast tanks)
[0] バラストタンク注水停止(Stop filling the ballast tanks)


[English] Never use built-in elevators of hull hangars. It cannot raise or lower aircraft to or from the flight deck. And if you use it, stored aircraft in hull hangers will be sandwiched and damaged. You can use deck edge elevators.

運用可能な航空機の例(Example of operable aircrafts with this ship)

V/STOL機(V/STOL aircrafts)


2023~2024 Hokushin Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

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