5man SSTO
by FooFighter
uploaded 2018-10-18
stock ship


Accelerate to 1km/s at sea level then VERY gently pull up to ~30 degrees. Abort (backspace) toggles the Nerv engine, light it up around 10km.

When Whiplash thrust falls off and it begins to decelerate, activate prograde hold (requires 1 star pilot) to bring drag to a minimum and let the Nerv push to space.

When prograde drops to ~5 degrees, release prograde hold and keep burning until periapsis >60km.

Stable, circular LKO should be achieved with >2000m/s delta-v remaining.

A stock aircraft called 5man SSTO. Built with 39 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark2Cockpit.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.5.0.

Accelerate to 1km/s at sea level then VERY gently pull up to ~30 degrees. Abort (backspace) toggles the Nerv engine, light it up around 10km.

When Whiplash thrust falls off and it begins to decelerate, activate prograde hold (requires 1 star pilot) to bring drag to a minimum and let the Nerv push to space.

When prograde drops to ~5 degrees, release prograde hold and keep burning until periapsis >60km.

Stable, circular LKO should be achieved with >2000m/s delta-v remaining.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 39
  • Pure Stock
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