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A stock aircraft called Reusable Grand Tour Vessel capable of visiting the surface of every single planet and moon without ditching stages.
Images of all landings:
Mission description:
The lower stage cannot escape Eve once landed but can land back on Eve once the upper stage has been pushed into a suborbital trajectory and circularized itself. It can then be used again to push upper stages to orbit.
The upper stage has VTOL capability to land and take of vertically on bodies without atmosphere. For landing on Duna it is advised to also transition to VTOL mode shortly before landing because of the thin atmosphere. Landing horizontally on Duna is possible but the landing and takeoff speed is quite high.
Both the upper and the lower stage have a complete mining equipment.
Built with 156 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2DroneCore.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.3.
- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 156
- Pure Stock