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The .ckan metapackage for this craft has downloaded.
Give it to the CKAN mod manager to install the mods for you. How to use the .ckan metapackage file | Don't use CKAN? Get it here
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- Type: SPH
- Class: spaceplane
- Part Count: 137
- Mods: 3
- Decal Stickers
- Squad (stock)
- TweakScale - Rescale Everything!
THIS VERSION IS OUTDATED. See updated version here.
An unmanned SSTO spaceplane capable of lifting 21 tons to LKO. Heavily inspired by Skylon and EJ_SA’s Enterprise.
NOTE: Decals are omitted from the KerbalX version of this craft. If you want to put decals on yours, you can get them from the Decal Stickers mod here.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.5.1.
How To Fly
KER & Trajectories are recommended for optimal flight
- Takeoff at 100m/s
- Be gentle on rotation or tailstrikes will occur
- Set pitch to 45*
- Climb to 5km
- Level off to 10* and cruise
- Activate aerospikes when thrust starts trailing off
- Switch to closed cycle once thrust trails off again
- Pitch to 30* and hold until MECO (Ap should be ~80km)
- Lock to prograde to minimize drag
- Circularize at Ap
Reentry & Landing
- lol, crossrange
- Joking aside, just make sure the landing marker is at or before KSC
- It does not slow down like a shuttle does; it will coast until you run out of speed
- If you do go long or short, you have about 30km of crossrange to work with
- Stall speed is 80m/s fully fuelled