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A stock rocket called LeoComm. Built with 161 of the finest stock parts, its root part is HECS2.ProbeCore.
First stage: Kerbin orbit approx. 125km to 250km circularized altitude.
Note:Lifter has a lower TWR until suborbital trajectory. Use of x4 physics warp or greater not recommended until LKO is achieved for time warp.
Second stage: interplanetary maneuvers (excessive target distance may need to utilize gravity assist and transfer windows for best results)
Third stage: Variable. Capture, circularization of target world, interplanetary maneuvers, deploying relays and/or prepping seeding orbit for relay deployment.
Fourth(Final) stage: Relay deployment and station-keeping is not staged due to the spacers between relays in the payload stack. Manual decoupling is recommended per relay and spacer.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
The map view image provided shows the LeoComm’s path back to Kerbin has a solid connection, even while Kerbin is nearly directly opposite Kerbol, relative to Duna, pictured. There are NO antennae outside the payload, so immediate deorbit of the penultimate stage so as not to lose connection as it drifts to perigee.
- Type: SPH
- Class: satellite
- Part Count: 161
- Pure Stock
Carreer cost: 1,003,747
Max Takeoff Mass: 946,345kg