The B-250 Crane is a test-bed for tilt-rotor aircraft that has been made commercially available to the aviaiton market. It’s deisgn is civilian in nature prioritizing efficiency over utility to expand the utilitarian uses of a tilt-rotor in civilian environments.
- to switch flight modes, gradually adjust thrust and tilt-rotor position in harmony while mainting level attitude and minimized change in altitude
- do not use full thrust in helicopter mode
- use ground mode to disengage blade control deflection when taxiing
1. Toggle Power
2. Toggle Ground Mode
3. Toggle Landing Lights
4. Toggle Taxi Lights
0. Toggle Navigation Lights
A stock aircraft called B-250 Crane. Built with 322 of the finest parts, its root part is fairingSize1.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.