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Although the older original Cachalot high volume lifters are still able to provide cargo services, the platform they were built upon shows their age in fuel consumption and technological capabilities. The Block II of the Cachalot continues to use the 790 family using the 400 variant as the base for it’s improved performance and efficiency as well as advanced avionics and aerodynamic design. Cachalot Block II also sees a slight increase in diameter to the expanded cargo bulge as well as a redesigned door and integration to the modifed base fuselage.
Manually unlock ports at front and change set anglge of hinge to open/close door.
1. Toggle Reverse Thrust
2. Extend/Retract Spoilers
3. Toggle Landing Lights
4. Toggle Taxi Lights
5. Toggle Engines
6. Toggle Auxiliury Power Unit
7. Toggle Fuel Dumping
8. Unlock Pitch Trim
9. Lock Pitch Trim
0. Toggle Navigation Lights
U/D. Pitch Trim
L/R. Flaps
A stock aircraft called A 790-400 Cachalot Block II. Built with 682 of the finest parts, its root part is stackPoint1.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 682
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.12.5