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< A 7130 Servant >
The Servant is the latest in commercial aircraft but it has been flying for some time now. With that there are many advancements and improvements made to technologies including those included in A 7130. The 200 series brings in some of the updates to the Servant with optimized and simplified systems.
< Flight Notes >
- Do not use sudden large trim movements at speeds +120 m/s
- Avoid hard
landings with fuel loads above ¼ capacity
- Flaps are not at interval angles; there is smooth transition from retracted to full deployment
- Engines have strong pitch effect at differring thrust settings
< Control Groups >
1 - Toggle Engines
2 - Extend/Retract Spoilers
3 - Toggle Landing Lights
4 - Toggle Taxi Lights
5 - Toggle Fuel Draining
6 - Toggle Auxiliary Power Unit
8 - Toggle Wiper
0 - Toggle Navigation Lights
RCS - Toggle Reverse Thrust
Trans. U/D - Pitch Trim
Trans. L/R - Flaps
A stock aircraft called A 7130-200 Servant. Built with 638 of the finest parts, its root part is probeStackLarge.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 638
- Pure Stock
- KSP: 1.12.5
Flag album above must be downloaded to Gamedata/Squad/Flags and named as displayed in description for correct visuals.