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Caesar-class Supercarrier
- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 861
- Pure Stock
The part count is exaggerated here. The actual part count is around 790 once the launch stabilizers are gone.
The Caesar-class Supercarrier is nearly 200m long and can facilitate numerous real-life aircraft. It has two elevators on the starboard side of the carrier for aircraft transport between the upper and lower decks. Instructions for the elevator will be included below. The design is based off of the US Nimitz-class carriers. Like my last carrier, this one also has no wheels, so you’ll need the Vessel Mover mod to get it into the water. That is unless you want to try to put wheels on it yourself. Of my designs, my F-35B, F-18, and F-14 are fully compatible with the carrier.

If you’re confused at all, refer to the video above. All techniques described here are demonstrated there, albeit a little fast.
1) Get the plane under 50m/s when approaching.
2) Touchdown and immediately lay on the brakes
3) Maneuver onto the elevator and be careful.
This takes some practice. Be patient.
Lowering the Elevator:
1) Maneuver onto the elevator such that your plane is as close to the front edge of the elevator as possible. This will prevent the platform from tipping.
2) Tap 7,
and 9
once to prime the gears for descent. Trust me, this is needed.
3) Press 9
then quickly undock the platform by right-clicking the docking port on the platform. Tehn
4) Then press 8
and 6
to lower it to the next level.
5) Finally, press 7
and 5
simultaneously to lower it to the final level until it docks.
6) Maneuver off of the platform and into the lower deck for storage.
Raising The Elevator:
WARNING: Never let the landing gear fully extend or everything will explode spectacularly!
1) Maneuver onto the elevator such that your plane is as close to the front edge of the elevator as possible. This will prevent the platform from tipping.
2) Undock the large node at the bottom by right-clicking it.
3) Press 4
to raise it the platform an initial few feet.
4) Press 7
then once the gear is about 75% deployed, press 5
to raise it to a secure position. Then press 4
again to prime the top airbrakes.
5) Press 8
then once the gear is about 75% deployed, press 6
to raise it to a secure position.
6) Press 9
once the gear is about 75% deployed, press 4
to raise it to the docked position.
7) Maneuver off of the platform to prepare for take off.
Maneuvering on the deck:
1) Make sure you have reaction wheels on your plane.
2) Enable steering on both the front and rear wheels of your plane.
3) To go forward, simply yaw right and left and you will gain forward momentum.
4) To go backward, invert the steering direction on each gear in the action menu then yaw left and right and you will start rolling backward.
Use these techniques to get onto the elevator platforms.
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