This craft is intended to tow a plane from the runway to a few kilometers in the air to avoid disaster caused by instability at low speeds. In other words, this makes your craft into a temoprary VTOL.
The ship is already balanced at takeoff without a payload, however to fly effectively you must adjust the thrust limiter of the front Mammoth in flight. If the RCS gets saturated (e.g. constant firing of the vernier engines) stabilize, prepare to quickly adjust front Mammoth, and press [f].
[1] toggles Mammoths
[2] toggles Vectors
G toggles bay door and Klaws
Backspace release Klaws' grip
WARNING: Turning voids warranty…
A stock aircraft called Balooga VTOL. Built with 64 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2DroneCore.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.0.