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- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 540
- Mods: 2
- BDArmory
- Squad (stock)
!Please note this is an early design, and very well optimized!
A remake of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer of the US Navy, the Asturias-class destroyer meets all your needs for surface-to-surface warfare. 4 cruise missiles and 6 Anti-radiation missiles are prepped for targeting any hostile picked up by one of the two RADAR systems aboard the craft or by GPS coordinates. The ship is protected by a Millennium flak cannon at the bow and 2x30mm Chain Cannons at the stern. 6 flare dispensers and 2 smoke dispensers are also at your disposal for losing a guided-missile lock.
6x AGM-88 Anti-Radiation Missile
2x 30mm Chain Guns
4x RBS-15 Cruise Missiles
1x Oerliken Millennium Cannon