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This rover was built primarily for the most unlikely place in the system. Two ion engines facing upwards help to keep the wheels on the ground or reduce the time between jumps. You can accelerate it to speeds enough to leave the SOI of Gilly if you want to, just keep in mind the wheels don’t like speeds above 28 m/s due to a bug/design choice. On other worlds this doesn’t occur and speeds higher than 70 m/s are possible.
It has a lot of control and propulsion options. RCS all around, reaction wheels etc. Science package too.
The ears
are detachable, they’re xenon and RCS tanks with a higher flow priority.
Action groups:
1 Toggles fuel cell arrays.
2 Toggles reaction wheels.
3 Cycles reaction wheel modes (very useful!)
4 Toggles downforce ion engines.
5 Toggles forward propulsion ion engine.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
- Type: SPH
- Class: rover
- Part Count: 139
- Pure Stock