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- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 300
- Mods: 2
- Ferram Aerospace Research
- Squad (stock)
Empty weight: 140.7t
Fuel tanks full: 232.2t
Max take-off weight: 332.2t
Length: 47.3m
Width: 45.7m
Height: 15.8m
Critical Mach number: 0.84
Stall speed (full flaps): 85m/s
Take off speed (max cargo):100 m/s
Cruise speed: 250m/s @8000m. 33% throttle.
Engines: 12
Thrust Reversers: 6
Turning on the ground with low speed: use wing thrust reversers.
Tilting tail down for easy loading & unloading: raise rear landing gear (Action Group 1), parking brakes ON, activate central thrust reversers (Action Group:RCS) and wing thrust reversers (Action Groups 6 & 7)
Parts: 300
A mod aircraft called 77I-BUFF2 FAR 1.0. Built with 300 of the finest parts, its root part is mk3Cockpit.Shuttle.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.0.4.