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Rhea, the wife of the Greek Titan Cronus. This smaller helicopter is based on the Azi24 Cronus but actually a lot more capable in terms of speed and range. It’s also well suited for rugged terrain like mountains.
This vehicle can land and take off both as an airplane and helicopter!
Updated to version 2.0!
New engines! A crossbreed between the Asura II and Vapula, this one uses the bearings of the Asura II and the turbine assembly of the Vapula. Power has increased from 1170kN to 1580kN while fuel consumption has dropped from 3.03 to 1.29!
Rhea has an improved control method compared to v1.0, called AHRCS (Azimech Helicopter Reaction Control System), based on my invention the Boost Flap. No more using action groups for extra control, just enable the system with the RCS button and fly like you would normally. I’ve reduced the amount of reaction wheels to one, for use in autopilot mode (see the manual of the Azi20). At the bottom you can read the manual of the old control system.
If you have too much pitch control (too nervous) you can toggle this with action group 2, this will make it behave more smooth.
Complete startup sequence: Alt-Q or E to halfway for the rotating beacons. Press 1 to decouple the beacons. Reset trim to 0. Decouple the turbine shafts and start the main engines; set power program ¼, press 7. Start the AHRCS with your RCS key. Switch on SAS. Choose a power program for taking off, 2/3 or Full (8 or 9, depending on fuel load). Throttle up.
Part count has decreased (it’s a miracle!) from 390 to 336!
Don’t want the rotating beacon? Just remove it. Part count will drop to 310.
Power Boost Flap: use action group 6 to instantaneously block/unblock the thrust from two blowers per engine, for a fast response.
Transition from VTOL to airplane: enable FMJ’s (Forward Motion Jets, AG 5) … when picked up enough speed, switch to a lower power setting (i.e. from full to ¾ … see action groups list). Eventually you can cut the main engines (abort) and the AHRCS system, and fly on just the FMJ’s, with a dramatically reduced fuel consumption.
Some specs (v1.0, needs to be retested).
Max range in airplane mode: 2300km.
Max speed: 172m/s.
Max altitude in helicopter mode: 8500m.
Max gross weight: 232t.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
Old control method:
- Also, control has improved. The RCS toggle is for all jets on the tail and on top/underneath the main engines. For example action group 2 pushes the tail down. If you press 3 it cancels 2 and starts pushing the tail up. There is no way of canceling both except double tapping the RCS key. Remember!
- Type: SPH
- Class: ship
- Part Count: 336
- Pure Stock