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The Famous Challenger. It loves drifting! This car is stock, DCK is just a paint mod and the car will load without it.
Like all of my jet-driven cars it has the Boost Flap™ for quickly blocking thrust while keeping the jets running at full power. Excellent for braking and accelerating!
Brake lights and rear lights.
Excellent roadholding, will not roll over.
Changelog version 2.1:
Removed the crew container because we can put the kerbals in their seats now.
Added a few pictures to show how the car looks without paint.
Top speed: 75.1 m/s.
Changelog version 2.0:
Rebuilt a lot of body paneling to give it a less clunky appearance.
Added paint (DCK mod)
Made the springs softer but the damping stiffer.
Reworked the fuel system to reduce drag, moved two tanks to the rear.
Replaced the rear lights reflector with less draggy lamps.
Added the chrome oval around the mouth.
Made the shell a bit stiffer.
Lowered the roof and the ride height. The looks are more balanced now.
Changelog version 1.2:
- Updated to KSP 1.3.
Changelog version 1.1:
Moved the headlights a bit to the rear.
Made the shocks softer, the result is a more responsive suspension.
Changed brake balance.
Added a dashboard (only two parts).
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.3.
- Type: SPH
- Class: rover
- Part Count: 195
- Mods: 2