77I- 1971 Dodge Challenger R/T v2.1 Stock
by Azimech
uploaded 2016-12-09
(updated 2019-11-24)
mod rover
#Dodge #Mopar #Muscle #Car #Fast

The Famous Challenger. It loves drifting! This car is stock, DCK is just a paint mod and the car will load without it.


  • Like all of my jet-driven cars it has the Boost Flap™ for quickly blocking thrust while keeping the jets running at full power. Excellent for braking and accelerating!

  • Brake lights and rear lights.

  • Excellent roadholding, will not roll over.

Changelog version 2.1:

  • Removed the crew container because we can put the kerbals in their seats now.

  • Added a few pictures to show how the car looks without paint.

  • Top speed: 75.1 m/s.

Changelog version 2.0:

  • Rebuilt a lot of body paneling to give it a less clunky appearance.

  • Added paint (DCK mod)

  • Made the springs softer but the damping stiffer.

  • Reworked the fuel system to reduce drag, moved two tanks to the rear.

  • Replaced the rear lights reflector with less draggy lamps.

  • Added the chrome oval around the mouth.

  • Made the shell a bit stiffer.

  • Lowered the roof and the ride height. The looks are more balanced now.

Changelog version 1.2:

  • Updated to KSP 1.3.

Changelog version 1.1:

  • Moved the headlights a bit to the rear.

  • Made the shocks softer, the result is a more responsive suspension.

  • Changed brake balance.

  • Added a dashboard (only two parts).

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.3.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: rover
  • Part Count: 195
  • Mods: 2
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