My best handling sports car to date. I couldn’t decide which Lamborghini to choose so I decided to throw a few together.
I used the chassis of my 1968 Ford Mustang for this one. Changed it from a front to mid-engine layout and adapted the suspension accordingly. My first car with a 5 deg. camber on all wheels. Sufficient to say: it’s a totally different car.
This one is very neutral in corners with the occasional slight oversteer for some drifting.
Top speed: 98.3 m/s (219 MPH; 353 km/h). About as fast as the fastest factory original Lambo.
Engine: 4x Juno.
Fuel: 300 units.
Features: Boost Flaps, rear lights & brake lights, reversing lamps.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.0.