Attention: my advanced vehicle suspension relies on the flexibility of part joints. It will not work with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement enabled.
Able to circumnavigate Kerbin on it’s own!
For more information, check the Amphiphile Alpha, which is the original.
Difference: Better aerodynamics, therefore improved safe speed from max 35 m/s to max 55 m/s on flat terrain!
Safe cornering speed increased from 20 m/s to 35 m/s!
Max water entry/exit speed: 10 m/s!
Other stats remained the same.
A stock aircraft called 77I- ALRM1-SE Amphiphile Omega. Built with 265 of the finest parts, its root part is structuralIBeam2.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.0.4.