Avro AV Flying Wing
Top Speed 63m/s (141mph).
Wingspan 24.3m
Length 8.9m
Mass 3.19t
Flight instructions.
Stage once and press T to enage the SAS. Next press either [ or ] to swtich to the prop. Hold Q and Alt for 20 seconds to get airborne. Now switch back to the plane with [ or ]. At 45m/s press space to stage the trolly and pull up to seperate.
To change speed.
From the plane switch to the prop using either [ or ]. Now press either 1 or 2 to slow the motor. Press both 1 and 2 to set the motor to idle for landing. Switch back to the plane with [ or ]. Takes a few times to get used to but soon becomes second nature.
In flight.
Press 3 to yaw left and 4 to yaw right.
Happy flying!
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.4.3.