KerbComm Satellite Launcher
by Apocalyptapig
uploaded 2020-11-06
stock ship
#Unmanned #Relay #Satellite #Launcher #Kerbin


This rocket can carry 3 KerbComm relay satellites to Keostationary orbit, giving you near-full communications coverage of Kerbin!

1. Reach a 100km low orbit of Kerbin.
2. Detach the first stage, and wait for your position in orbit to be a bit ahead of the KSC.
3. Burn prograde until Apoapsis is ~2863.334km.
4. Timewarp around until you’re right above KSC at Ap, then circularize.
5. Carefully burn until your orbital period is within less than ~1s of 1 day. (6 hours)
6. After the burn, point to normal, and deploy satellite #1.
7. Activate the satellite’s engine, and do several tiny burns to bring your orbital period within ~1s of 1 day.
8. Warp around to Periapsis, point prograde, and burn until orbital period is within less than ~1s of 1 day, 1 hour, 58 minutes and 52.6 seconds (7h:58m:52.6s)
9. Warp around to Periapsis once again.
10. Point normal and deploy satellite #2.
11. Circularize satellite #2’s orbit as described in step 7.
12. Repeat steps 9 through 11 for satellite #3.
13. Using its remaining fuel, deorbit the satellite carrier.
14. Tweak the orbits of the satellites slightly until precise network is achieved.

Have fun!

A stock rocket called KerbComm Satellite Launcher. Built with 92 of the finest parts, its root part is Rockomax16.BW.

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.10.1.


  • Type: VAB
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 92
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.10.1
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