For Kerbal airlines. Heavy Kerbal Transporter. Sadly, low range and tendancy to spin is an issue, but recovery is usually possible from a dive - if you have the kahonez, so only for highly rated Andetch approved pilots. ¨¨She may look like a Night Fury, she even shares some of the handling/spin recovery features. ¨¨DO NOT try to fly her like a Night Fury, or it will be the last thing you ever do! ¨¨216 Pax¨¨1 - Toggle Suicide Flaps¨7 - Toggle Taxi Engines (make sure to control yaw with individual thrust limiters/reverser)¨8 - Toggle ALL Wheesley ¨9 - Toggle Wheesley Flight Balancer
¨0 - Toggle Thrust Reverser¨¨Rotate Speed - 125 m/s minimum advised. Safety Speed - 150 m/s take off. ¨
A stock aircraft called Andetch Type HKT Day Fury
. Built with 153 of the finest parts, its root part is MK1Fuselage.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.0.